Smiling man explaing something to a group of female smiling students.


Best practices and projects

Sharing ideas and thinking outside the box makes projects and ideas grow, which is why we at ISC3 are happy to share our knowledge about the various aspects of Sustainable Chemistry, best practices and projects with our Stakeholders and Communities via our Master Class.
Going from the general idea of Sustainable Chemistry to discussing the audience’s specific questions regarding the impact of their work towards enhancing Sustainable Chemistry and vice versa, the Master Classes offer tailor made content about the various aspects and implications of Sustainable Chemistry and how they can be brought together with specific ideas, sectors or companies.
Please get in touch with us to discuss your very own Master Class on Sustainable Chemistry.

Masterclass in Sustainable Chemistry for Egyptian start-ups

In September 2021 YouThinkGreen (YTG) and ISC3 were offering a masterclass in Sustainable Chemistry for Egyptian start-ups who are driving the change in energy, waste management and circular economy towards a sustainable future.

Within the three hours interactive masterclass six start-ups were introduced to the basic concepts of sustainable chemistry and importance for start-ups. Existing and upcoming business opportunities were presented and discussed in the light of chemistry regulation and the EU-Taxonomy.

Based on this the start-ups were using a provided sustainability checklist to explain and illustrate business opportunities of their start-ups when the underlying sustainability criteria are addressed. Thereby, each start-up was individually exploring which sustainability criteria could be prioritized and addressed by their technology and business model.

Two egypt women working on a computer. On is sitting while the other one is standing behind her.