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Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHT 2024

Bringing Stakeholders Together

Online Event on Innovative Approaches for Climate-Friendly Solutions

Sustainable Chemistry facilitates the needs of the present without compromising future generations’ ecological, social, and economic needs. In 2024 the International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) is hosting its next SPOTLIGHT event to bring stakeholders together and jointly create awareness for the urge to act. In our SPOTLIGHTS event format, we highlight selected core topics within Sustainable Chemistry, discuss their importance and foster exchange.

2024 we are focusing on innovative approaches on the nexus between Sustainable Chemistry and Climate Friendly Solutions.

At the online event, ISC3 will bring together different stakeholders and shed light on the role of Sustainable Chemistry in the pathway towards decarbonization of the chemical sector and associated sectors. We will look at what entrepreneurs, innovators, and stakeholders from policy and academia can offer on this pathway and how those approaches integrate existing policy frameworks such as the Global Framework on Chemicals (GFC).

ISC3 Sustainable Chemsitry Spotlight Visual

ISC3 Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHT 2024

Bringing Stakeholders together

The SPOTLIGHT 2024 occured virtually on Thursday, 28 November 2024 from 14:00 - 18:30 pm CET. Several sessions at the event included discussions, panels, lectures, etc. by stakeholders and partners.Within our online live event (platform: MS-Teams) we raised awareness for the concept of Sustainable Chemistry and its actors in the field of innovative approaches for climate-friendly solutions. We offered a platform for stakeholders to present their projects, business models, and research activities. Together with scientists, entrepreneurs, luminaries, and other stakeholders, expectations were shared, opinions were discussed, and horizons broadened.

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Online Team Meeting
Iconset coming out of a Laptop

The International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) is hosting the next SPOTLIGHTevent on 28 November 2024, 14:00–18:15 (CET)


ISC3 Sustainable Chemistry SPOTLIGHT 2024

14:00 - 14:15 CET
Logo ISC3
Dr. Thomas Wanner
Dr. Thomas Wanner
Managing Director
Fiona Hammann-Wiese
Fiona Hammann-Wiese (EventFacilitator)
Event Manager
14:15 - 14:45 CET
Keynote, Q&A

Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. Since thechemicals industry and its innovations are a fundamental cornerstone of oureveryday life including mobility, the energy and digital sector, the worldwideimplementation of Sustainable Chemistry is key to develop future-orientedlow-emission processes and products. In his keynote, Prof. Dr.Kümmerer will introduce the evolution of Sustainable Chemistry, starting fromchemistry as natural science to green chemistry and chemistry for a circulareconomy. He will highlight the differences between these concepts and discussthe challenges and opportunities related to the implementation of low carbontechnologies (low carbon – high metal) from a sustainability perspective anddiscussing the limitations of renewables.

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Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer
Prof. Dr. Klaus Kümmerer
Leuphana University Lüneburg,
Director Research & Education Hub, ISC3
Jess Gaar
Jess Gaar (Moderator)
Science & Innovation
14:45 - 16:00 CET
Keynote, Panel & Discussion, Q&A

Join us for an insightful session on the importance of Bioeconomy and itsconnections to Sustainable Chemistry and Energy. We will explore how theseconcepts are shaping regional development in Colombia, Ecuador, and Uruguay,highlighting key initiatives and challenges. This session is ideal forprofessionals and enthusiasts in sustainable development, chemistry, and energysectors who are interested in understanding how bioeconomic strategies are beingimplemented across Latin America.

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Adrian Geraldo Rodriguez
Adrian Geraldo Rodriguez
Chief, Agricultural Development Unit
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean,ECLAC
Romina Laumann
Romina Laumann
Coordinator of Project Productive, Ecological and Socially JustEconomic Transition
ECLAC-BMZ/GIZ Strategic Alliance
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ
Angela Cortelezzi Ferreyra
Angela Cortelezzi Ferreyra
Bioeconomy Leader
Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries (MGAP),Uruguay
María José Hernández
María José Hernández
Gonzalo Criollo Galván
Gonzalo Criollo Galván
Executive Director
Conquito, Economic Development Offices of Quito, Ecuador
Nadine Stöcker
Nadine Stöcker
Focus Topic Manager for Science & Innovation, ISC3
Juanita Halblaub
Juanita Halblaub (Moderator)
Manager for International Cooperation and Innovation, ISC3
16:15 - 17:15 CET

The webinar kicks off with impulses on Sustainable Chemistry challenges at thenexus of youth and climate change from organisations such as InternationalYounger Chemist Network (IYCN), International Sustainable ChemistryCollaborative Centre (ISC3), Chemicals and Waste YouthPlatform, Community ActionAgainst Plastic Waste (CAPws). It will cover applying data science tools toSustainable Chemistry challenges by applying a real-life example. Participantswill learn to analyze environmental datasets to inform policy and sustainablepractices. It highlights the role of data science in advocating for pollutionreduction and waste management policies. The session begins with an overview ofglobal chemical waste issues and relevant policy frameworks. An introduction tothe programming language Python includes data manipulation and visualization forenvironmental analysis. Attendees will work with real-world datasets, focusingon freshwater contamination as an example. The workshop equips participants withpractical data science skills for addressing environmental sustainability.

Remark: For active participation in the webinar and the best learning experienceit is an option to install the programming language Python beforehand and/or useGoogle Collab via individual Google accounts. However, the sole observation ofthe use case presented by the facilitator is also an option.

Logo IYCNLogo IYCNLogo Chemicals and Waste Youth PlatfromLogo ISC3
>José Caetano
José Caetano
Science for Policy Committee Member
International Younger Chemistry Network (IYCN)
Anna Isabel Becker
Anna Isabel Becker
Policy Director
Lovish Raheja
Lovish Raheja
Leader, Science for Policy Committee
International Younger Chemistry Network (IYCN)
Ahmed Tiamiyu
Ahmed Tiamiyu
Executive Director
Community Action Against Plastic Waste (CAPws)
Shannon Lisa
Shannon Lisa
Global Focal Point
Chemicals and Waste Youth Platform
17:15 - 18:15 CET

In the ISC3 SPOTLIGHT session “From the GFC to Action: Turning Plans intoPractice at the Nexus of Climate and Innovation” the synergies between theGlobal Framework on Chemicals (GFC) and climate friendly innovations will bediscussed. The session will have a closer look at the climate solution start-upscene across the region of Africa (e.g. African Climate Innovation Challenge,Africa Youth Climate Fund, MINAGIE Energy Ltd., Action For Community andBiodiversity, Asili Kwanza Uganda) along with showcasing research initiatives(e.g. Climate Research Initiative).

Oliver Wootton
Oliver Wootton
Senior Programme Specialist, Chemicals & Waste ManagementProgramme
Focal Point of the IOMC for the indicators work under the GFC,UNITAR
Steffi Richter
Dr. Steffi Richter
Officer in the Team International Chemicals Safety / SustainableChemistry,German Federal Ministry for the Environment, NatureConservation,Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Hans-Christian Stolzenberg
Dr. Hans-ChristianStolzenberg
GFC Focal Point, UBA
Britney Nyantakyi
Britney Nyantakyi
Associate Consultant
African Climate Innovation Challenge, ACIC
Dorcas Amanor
Dorcas Amanor
Grants Manager
Climate Research Fund for African Students
Johannes Amo-Aye
Johannes Amo-Aye
Co-founder and CEO of MINAGIE Energy Ltd.
Miss Niriko Jouberthe Raissa Razafiarivony
Niriko Jouberthe RaissaRazafiarivony
Co-founder of the NGO Action For Community and Biodiversity
Isaac Ndyamuhaki
Isaac Ndyamuhaki
Founder and CEO Asili Kwanza Uganda
Dr. Alexis Bazzanella (Moderator)
Dr. Alexis Bazzanella(Moderator)
Director Innovation Hub, ISC3
18:15 - 18:20 CET
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Fiona Hammann-Wiese
Fiona Hammann-Wiese
Event Manager

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