UNEP webinar series:
A science-policy panel on chemicals, waste and pollution prevention
On July 25 2022 (14:30 - 16:30 CEST) the United Nations Environment Programme will host the first of a series of webinars to introduce the new Science-Policy panel on Chemicals, Waste and Prevention of Pollution Prevention and the processes of the associated ad hoc open-ended working group (OEWG).
UNEA Resolution 5/8 decided that a science-policy panel should be established to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and prevent pollution, and to convene, subject to the availability of resources, an ad hoc OEWG that will begin work in 2022, with the ambition of completing it by the end of 2024.
The webinar will provide a background on the Science-Policy panel process and discuss its scope and possible structure. It will highlight Countries’ priorities on chemicals, waste and pollution as well as the role of science and academia in its modus operandi. It will be followed by a dialogue between speakers on urgent issues and questions from the chair of the meeting to the panel members. There will be an opportunity for the audience to pose questions to the panel members.
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Event page on the Green Growth Knowledge Platform