Bringing stakeholders together
Founded on the initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and the German Environmental Agency (UBA) 2017, ISC3 engages in the transformation towards Sustainable Chemistry. ISC3 acts internationally with focus on emerging economies and developing countries.
The centre manages a knowledge platform and a network of stakeholders, contributes to political processes, conducts research, develops vocational and academic education, supports innovation and entrepreneurship, and offers advisory services. Connecting stakeholders from policy, industry, academia, and civil society is a key element of the transformation towards Sustainable Chemistry and therefore of ISC3’s work. While the first Stakeholder Forum focused its discussions and topics on laying the groundworks for a common understanding of Sustainable Chemistry and the international dialogue, the focus of the second Stakeholder Forum shifted towards the implementation and realisation of projects and ideas.
The third Stakeholder Forum reviewed the ISC3 activities in the fields of Academic Education, Innovation and Research and served as a dialogue platform for the discussion of current and upcoming topics in Sustainable Chemistry.