Article on ISC3 Start-up of the Month July 2023 in CHEManager International

Article on ISC3 Start-up of the Month July 2023 in CHEManager International
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Block Solutions is a Tampere, Finland-based company that has developed environmentally friendly block-modules made of recycled plastics or in combination with local excess raw materials.
The blocks developed by the start-up are used for building sustainable, affordable and safe homes for people all around the world. Beyond making sustainable building blocks the company also focuses on creating jobs and enforcing gender equality with their business model. For this reason, International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3) features Block Solutions as the ISC3 Start-up of the Month for July 2023.
What makes Block Solutions‘ innovation unique? The carbon footprint of the product is close to zero: dependent on the location of the material used, it can be an ecological biocomposite, which can contain up to 50% organic fibers and 50% recycled plastics or, alternatively, only recycled plastics. This is based on the availability of excess raw materials on the local level.
Block Solutions is investigating what different kinds and amounts of excess fibres are available in a specific market and adapts their “recipe” for the composite material. Accordingly, the Finnish start-up uses coconut husk, rice husk, bamboo or sugarcane in their blocks. In addition, the start-up also focuses on engaging the local community to create a suitable solution. The modularly built houses are affordable, durable and can be set up quickly with just a few tools. They can also be dismantled and rebuilt.