In January 2023, the European Commission published the transition pathway for the chemical industry. The pathway is an actionable plan co-developed by the European Commission with other member states, chemical industry stakeholders, NGOs and other interested parties. It identifies the actions and conditions needed to achieve the green and digital transition and improve resilience in the chemical industry, in line with the updated EU industrial strategy.

Transition pathway
for the chemical industry

The chemical industry is one of the largest CO2 emitters and the fourth largest industry in the EU. Chemicals are present in about 95% of manufactured goods and are at the basis of Europe’s major value chains. Therefore, the chemical and associated sectors play a key role in the transformation towards sustainability.
Therefore, the European Commission co-created the transition pathway for the chemical industry with stakeholders. It provides a list of more than 150 actions, grouped under 26 topics, to be implemented by the concerned stakeholders within an agreed timeframe.
Concrete actions in the field of education and skills with regards to Sustainable Chemistry
(“Topic 23: Education”)
Foreseen key actions are for example the setting up of sector-specific training, including training on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Chemistry, chemicals regulation, and safety.Adapt university curricula to industry needs, by adding courses on regulation, Sustainable Hhemistry, Green Chemistry and the principles of SSbD to university programmes in chemistry. Adapt apprenticeships and vocational education and training programmes to teach future-proof knowledge.
Learn more here.